Mari Wells Coyle

Mari Wells Coyle
Mari Wells Coyle, Winemaker l photo by Freda Banks photography

My style

On an airplane flying from a consulting project, my thoughts turned toward style. The airline magazine was curbing my impatience for the one hour bumpy flight.  Inside was an article about a new niche pattern producer for hand made clothes. It drew me in as I thought back to summer break as a teenager working with my Aunt, a seamstress and designer. I helped her with basic alterations while sipping tea in the front of her old Victorian home in Portland, Oregon. All day busy clients would drop their beautiful clothes to be fitted just right. My aunt, nearly 6 feet tall, wore a measuring tape around her neck and a pair of scissors like a necklace. Her long thin hair in a messy bun on top of her head.  She could make a pattern from scratch in an instant, later developing a clothing line.  She helped me design a few custom pieces that I got to take back home, some of which I still have-including the dress shown below. I really enjoyed making my own clothes, I could choose every aspect from fabric to fit.

I can still hear my mom insisting that I was "always looking for something that didn't exist," with regards to style. I thought about that for a minute on the airplane and began to chuckle. Of course! I am always looking for something that doesn't exist. In front of me is an adventure connecting food and wine in a way never done before.

My artistic approach to winemaking is unique in the same way that I'm always looking for something that hasn't been done, or to do it in a different way.  Whether it's an expression from an extreme vineyard site or a blend of sites to create a wine with personality; my winemaking philosophy allows the source of the fruit to inspire style that's unique. When I love a vineyard site, my passion is infused in the bottle and my style is created. Similar to my experiences making clothes, I enjoy every aspect from the vineyard to the table.  I believe that the best wines are beautifully expressed with a variety of flavors.

My best wines are yet to come and I look forward to sharing them with you at the table. Thanks for joining me!

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