Mari Wells Coyle

Mari Wells Coyle
Mari Wells Coyle, Winemaker l photo by Freda Banks photography


The sun starts shining in spring and I can't wait to get planting. It takes everything inside me NOT to go get a car full of plants and start my garden. Here, in the Sierra Foothills, we say 'plant after Mother's Day,' when the frost potential is gone and your are good to go for your veggies. That was the first rule of thumb I learned when I first moved to this region and attended a couple free gardening classes.  Local Master Gardeners offer classes that provide understanding of the regional challenges in the garden and you get the wisdom from the Master Gardeners who have planted here FOREVER, or so it seems.

lemon thyme planted to pair with Sauvignon Blanc and Sangiovese

I love pairing herbs and wine and I can't wait to add new flavors for seasonal recipes. I started to plant my herbs in pots that can be protected in case of frost. Takes a bit of babysitting, but it's worth it. I stick the pots under the big eves to protect them from a light frost. Then, I pull them out to enjoy the spring rains.

The key to having an everlasting herb garden is to continually plant your perennials every few weeks in spring and harvest them before flowering. I am going to start planting some seedlings (basil, cilantro, and dill)  this week in the window. Happy gardening!

newly planted parsley gets some spring rain

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